The role of infidelity investigators in divorce proceedings

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Divorce is a the exclusive area of focus for the lawyers at Marrison Family Law. 

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Many marriages that end because of infidelity are emotionally draining and may make reasonable settlement difficult without the help of a lawyer.  To ensure a fair division of belongings, the court needs to know more about what happened and how the marriage came to an end.

Currently, none of the states allows evidence of infidelity, except in rare circumstances.  For example the Court may consider whether children are being inappropriately exposed to sexuality.  A second example is use of marital funds to support the infidelity, i.e. for non marital purposes.  In this event, the Court may require the return of the funds to the marital estate.

Most of the time, however, investigations are limited to the value of property or  what is in the best interest of the kids.  It is a complete waste of money to hire an investigator to discover infidelity as Colorado is a no fault state.

Consult with Marrison Family Law if you have any questions regarding divorce.

Marrison Family Law helps clients with various cases on family law, including divorce and custody. Visit its official website to learn more about the firm.


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